TEXT: (314) 643-3380
Daycare for drunks offers several way of submitting orignal artwork as well as sharing great internet finds..
Please read the content guidelines before submitting. Submissions that do not follow the applicable guidelines may not be published.
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Content Submission (Original or Shared)
Please read the content guidelines before submitting. Submissions that do not follow the applicable guidelines may not be published.
If you want a link back, please do so in the “Caption” box or “Set a click-through link” option.
Artists retain copyright in their submitted work, subject to the rights granted above.
Universal Content Guidelines
Submission must be clear in photo/video quality.
Feel free to share any other information or comentary about your submission.
Select apropriate tags regarding your submission, select all that apply to the submission.
Submitting photos you are giving DaycareForDrunks.com permission to use it on any DaycareForDrunks.com related site includding Facebook, Twitter and or any DaycareForDrunks.com affiliated site.
By submitting photos you are agreeing to our Terms Of Service, Disclaimer and our Privacy Policy
Once a photo is submitted to us we reserve the rights to that photo to use for promotional purposes. Therefore we also reserve the rights to be selective with submissions.
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