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Where's my order?



Help Center

If you received a shipping confirmation email, your order has shipped from our warehouse. Check the estimated delivery times for your shipping method:

Domestic (US) Orders

Standard Ground (1-5 business days)
Postal (5-8 business days)

If your order was sent via UPS (Overnight, Express, and Standard Ground), UPS will provide an expected delivery date in the tracking information if available. For orders shipped Postal, an expected delivery time frame is provided in your shipping confirmation.

International Orders

Standard Shipping (1-3 weeks)
Standard Plus - Time frame varies by country:
          Canada: 4-9 business days

          UK: 4-7 business days

          Germany: 6-10 business days

          Australia: 7-8 business days

          Singapore: 4-8 business days

          Japan: 4-8 business days

          Mexico: 3-7 business days

Expedited (2-5 business days) *

Express (1-3 business days) *

*Only available for certain international areas.

If your order was sent via UPS (Expedited and Express), UPS will provide an expected delivery date in the tracking information if available. For orders shipped Standard Shipping, an expected delivery time frame is provided in your shipping confirmation.

Please note that the time frames listed above only apply to the estimated time it will take for your order to arrive from the date it was shipped. Please check the processing time estimated in your email confirmation to determine when your order will ship. Additional time may be required for customs processing of international shipments.

How do I send a gift to someone?

Place the order just like you would expect to. Then in the box called, "special instructions" place the address of the person you are gifting to as well as anything else you need to inform us of.

What do I do if you haven't received your order yet?

What is your return policy?

We want you to love what you order. If you're not satisfied with your purchase, return the item(s) for an exchange, refund to your original payment or a Threadless credit. All returns must be made within 60 days of placing your order.

Fill out the return form found on the back of the invoice from your order. If you no longer have it you can get it here: Return Form

Indicate what you're returning and why. Let us know if you would like to return your item(s) for an exchange, refund, or Daycare For Drunks credit. In order to process your return, please include your name, email address, and order number along with the items that you're returning. You'll be responsible for the shipping charges associated with sending the return back to us.

If you're asking for an exchange, we'll send your replacement item(s) at no charge. If the item(s) you request is not available when the return is processed, we will issue you Daycare For Drunks credit instead. If you do not want a credit, email us and we can change it out for a refund or a different item(s). If you're asking for a refund, you'll only be reimbursed for the item(s) returned. The original shipping cost is non-refundable.

All returned items must be in the original condition you received them in. We do not accept washed items.



​​If you‘re still in need of answers or want to report a problem, please contact us at: ​(314) 329 886​1

Standard Shipping: Check the expected delivery time frame in your shipping confirmation email. Some International shipments can be delayed at country borders, customs, or other routing destinations along the way. If you still don't have your order after the time frame provided, check with your local postal and customs offices to see if they are holding your order. Contact our Help team if they are unable to find it or provide you with additional details.

Expedited or Express- Check the tracking number issued when the order was placed. If your tracking number has not updated in several days or if it shows the order was delivered, but you didn't receive it, contact our Help team and we'll start an investigation with UPS. If the tracking hasn't updated in several days, but the last update is regarding "CUSTOMS" or "CLEARANCE", your order is being held at the customs office. Contact UPS to arrange delivery.




Brought to you by The Church Of My Thirty Liver 2013 © All designs copyright by owner - Privacy Policy - Terms of Use.- No animals were harmed in the making of this site but many adult beverages were consumed. ​​




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